2018 ITG Conference Prelude Performances

June 06, 2018

The 43rd Annual International Trumpet Guild Conference - San Antonio, Texas
Special Report • Compiled by Peter Wood
Photos by Michael Anderson, Norman Bergstrom, Josh Rzepka, Denny Schreffler, and Brian Shook

Conference Prelude Performances

* Indicates premiere performances.
Groups are listed alphabetically.


Click here for more prelude ensemble photos


Abilene Christian, Hardin-Simmons, and McMurry Universities—Abilene Tri-Collegiate Trumpet Ensemble
David Amlung and Leigh Anne Hunsaker, directors
Cedric Dario, Gustavo Guerrero, Grayson Hancock, Jake Lathrop, Dawson Maxwell, Karissa Means, Leighanna Meek, Kenny Mostert, Nathan Olsen, Klarissa Shafer, Zach Shepard, Parker Shields, Julian Wiegand
180531-0001-2Abilene Tri-Collegiate Trumpet Ensemble
* Charlier Numero Dos by Theo Charlier, arr. Gary Slechta

The Abilene Tri-Collegiate Trumpet Ensemble, made up of students from Abilene Christian, Hardin-Simmons, and McMurry Universities, presented a fantastic rendition of Gary Slechta’s arrangement, Charlier Numero Dos. The ensemble showed fantastic control and dynamic shaping throughout this work that is based on Charlier’s famous etude. The ensemble provided a solid foundation for the solo lines that left the audience on the edge of their seats. Their precision and powerful presence was a wonderful introduction to the presentation that followed. (JPS)

Angelo State University Trumpet Ensemble
John Irish, director
Brandon Batten, William DeForest, Riley Jarabeck, and Joseph Torres
180530-0001-8Angelo State University Trumpet Ensemble
Ice Journey by Jason Basoco
The Angelo State University Trumpet Ensemble performed Jason Basoco’s Ice Journey as a prelude to Wim Van Hasselt’s recital. The quartet used energy and intensity to paint a picture of travels through a harsh, mystical, and unforgiving landscape. The crisp articulations, rhythmic drive, and tense but balanced harmonies came together well for an exciting and enjoyable performance. (AD)

Baylor University—Baylor Trumpets
Wiff Rudd and Mark Schubert, directors
Ryan Fitzgerald, Luke Hoeft, Jonah Kelly, Ryan McArthur, Brian Mendez, Ross Mitchell, Tyler Moore
180630-0001-5Baylor Trumpets
Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs by Leonard Bernstein, arr. Rudd and Parker

The ensemble launched into the three-part Bernstein piece with flair. Using an array of instruments ranging from bass trumpet to piccolo, they performed energetically and covered the highly animated, rhythmically varied, and occasionally jazzy composition brilliantly, resulting in sustained audience applause. (NM)

Baylor University—Green Trumpet Ensemble
Wiff Rudd and Mark Schubert, directors
Spencer Adams, Cordelia DeDecker, Jonah Kelly, Sig Stefansson 180601-0001-16Baylor Green
* Variants with Solo Cadenzas by William Schmidt

The Baylor Green Trumpet Ensemble opened Merrie Klazek’s clinic on Preparation and Performance with an attention-grabbing piece by William Schmidt. The four performers’ tone qualities, articulations, and phrasings were flawless as the moved throughout the various sections of the work. Each member of the ensemble was featured as soloist and brought their own unique style and flair to their solos. The power and refinement of the ensemble’s performance left the audience on the edge of their seats and provided a wonderful introduction to Klazek’s informative presentation. (JPS)

Baylor University—"Improv" Trumpet Ensemble
​Wiff Rudd, director
​Cordelia DeDecker, Luke Hoeft, Ryan McArthur, Brian Mendez, Ross Mitchell, Tyler Moore, Sig Stefansson
180530-0001-61Baylor University "Improv" Trumpet Ensemble
​* Improvised prelude
The Baylor Improv Prelude Ensemble was a fantastic beginning to a wonderful presentation by Wiff Rudd. Because a member of the previously scheduled  Baylor Gold trumpet ensemble was unable to attend the conference, Rudd asked for volunteers from his students in attendance to demonstrate how he teaches classical improvisation in his studio. The performance was splendid, and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the fully improvised trumpet prelude. (SW)

Brighton High School—Mixed Brass Ensemble
Sharon B. Long, director
Liam Driscoll, Grace Carney, Ethan Lee, Eli Pardington, Connor Young, Ryan Newcomb, Jarrett Mulligan, Rachel Auty, Grace Snider, Alex Hogue
180702-0001-6Brighton High School Mixed Brass Ensemble
O Magnum Mysterium by Morten Lauridsen
Brighton High School’s Mixed Brass Ensemble performed Morten Lauridsen’s setting of O Magnum Mysterium with great poise and energy. A musically demanding piece, the performers showed a musical maturity and confidence not often found in musicians so young. The performers played with full, rich sounds, beautiful releases, and tremendous balance throughout a beautiful, emotionally charged performance. (AJ)

Campbellsville University Trumpet Ensemble
Anne McNamara, director
Cassidy Allgood, Justin Chowning, Olivia DeBolt, Tanner James, Cameron Johnson, Josh Neff, Jared Walker, Heaven Wells
180530-0001-5Campbellsville University Trumpet Ensemble
Fanfare for an Angel by James Stephenson
Catacomb by Jason Dovel

The Campbellsville University Trumpet Ensemble performed two short, exciting fanfares by James Stephenson and Jason Dovel before the Houston Symphony Trumpet Section presentation. The audience enjoyed hearing full chords played well in tune and with authority and power. (SH)

Columbus State University—Schwob Trumpet Ensemble
Robert Murray, director
Stephen Burden, Ricardo Chinchilla, Brandon Fortson, Patrick Lindsey, Steven Lukehart, Nathaniel Moore, Chase Pauley, Rashaan Skrine, Harold Villaltas, Trevor Webb, Adam White, Ryan Worley
180602-0001-17Columbus State University Trumpet Ensemble
Fanfare – Homage to Witold Lutoslawski by Nathan Hudson
Vision over the Horizon by Brandon Dicks

The Schwob Trumpet Ensemble from Columbus State University, under the direction of Robert Murray, performed two selections. Nathan Hudson’s Fanfare – Homage to Witold Lutoslawski opened with bracing polychords and dramatic gestures that the ensemble played with impeccable precision and balance. Brandon Dicks’ Vision over the Horizon displayed the group’s finely tuned ensemble playing, wide dynamic range, and rich, unforced sound from top to bottom. (EK)

Del Mar College Trumpet Ensemble
Scott Hagarty, director
Seth Barrios, Tlaloc Perales, Brittany Richardson, Carlos Salinas, Mary Silva
180701-0001Del Mar College Trumpet Ensemble
Cityscapes by Erik Morales

Under the direction of Dr. Scott Hagarty, the Del Mar College Trumpet Ensemble performed the first two movements of Erik Morales’s Cityscapes with great sensitivity and contrast. The first movement featured wonderful descending passages passed around the ensemble with great intonation, clarity, and resonance. The ensemble expertly juxtaposed an articulated character with Morales’s brilliant, flowing lyricism and captured the playful nature of the second movement perfectly. (AJ)

Duquesne University Trumpet Ensemble
Chad Winkler, director
Joseph Beaver, Amy Bertsch, Zach DeLuise, Robert Jarsulic, Mikayla Justen, Alyssa Lloyd, Mason Shay, Kevin Skinkis
180531-0001-31Duquesne University Trumpet Ensemble
The Cowboys Overture by John Williams

Launching into it with verve, the ensemble played Williams’s musical panorama of the Old West with flair and brilliance. They performed the varied rhythms, textures, and motifs with superb grace and energy and concluded the piece to rousing applause. A fine performance! (NM)

Florida State University Alumni Trumpet Ensemble
Christopher Moore, director
180601-0001-19Florida State University Alumni Trumpet Ensemble
Labyrinths by Joseph Turrin

The legacy created by Bryan Goff and continued by Chris Moore was in full evidence when the Florida State University Alumni Trumpet Ensemble performed Joseph Turrin’s Labyrinths. Nineteen FSU alums performed this highly dramatic and impressive piece, commissioned by the 2011 FSU Trumpet Ensemble for the 2012 ITG Conference. (KE)

Kennesaw State University Trumpet Ensemble
Douglas Lindsey, director
Miles Bonaker, Michael Brown, Riley Carson, Kameron Clarke, Jacob Greifinger, Jon Klausman, Ra Sheed Lemon, II, Jordyn Mader, Andrew Olsen, Jeremy Perkins, Cierra Weldin, Zach Went
180531-0001-16Kennesaw State University Trumpet Ensemble
Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture by Mikhail Glinka

The Kennesaw State University Trumpet Ensemble performed an arrangement of Mikhail Glinka’s Ruslan und Ludmilla Overture as a prelude to Jose Cháfer Mompó’s recital. The twelve-member ensemble performed with a joyous energy, filling the room with rich sonorities and flowing melodic lines. The dazzling technical passages associated with this thrilling work came off well. What a fun and pleasant way to begin the afternoon’s performance! (AD)

Kunitachi College of Music—Kunion Trio
Taishin Nakaoka, director
Mayu Daijo, Yuya Matsuura, Taishin Nakaoka
180530-0001Kunion Trio
Gershwin Medley by George Gershwin

The Kunion Trio from Tokyo, Japan, performed before the New Works Recital I in the Rio Grande Ballroom. The medley arrangement of Gershwin favorites included some of his most famous works such as, I Got Rhythm, Summertime, and Rhapsody in Blue, among others. The trumpet trio displayed excellent intonation and tone quality. (SH)

Lamar University Trumpet Ensemble
John Bhatia, director
Hunter Allen, Ty Bodin, Anthony Brown, Dennis Dorion, Nicholas Hernandez, Ricardo Padron, Hannah Sartain, Robert Smith
180602-0001-2Lamar University Trumpet Ensemble
Dürrenhorn Passage by Kevin McKee
The New Century - 2000 A.D. by David Uber

The Lamar University Trumpet Ensemble performed two selections before Chris Gekker’s Saturday clinic. David Uber’s The New Century – 2000 A.D. immediately grabbed the audience’s attention with its colorful melodies and rhythmic intensity, and the group handled the many challenging meter changes with ease. Kevin McKee’s Dürrenhorn Passage highlighted the ensemble’s wonderful group sound. Several soloists were featured throughout the performance, highlighting their individual strengths. The audience was transported to another realm through this group’s fine portrayal of McKee’s colorful musical imagery. (BC)

Loyola University Trumpet Ensemble
Nick Volz, director
Michael Bauer, Chris Drennan, Brian Maasen, Peter Nionakis, Jack Wright
180601-0001-12Loyola University of New Orleans Trumpet Ensemble
Cityscapes by Erik Morales

The Loyola University Trumpet Ensemble, from New Orleans, performed all three movements of Erik Morales’s Cityscapes as a prelude to Jon-Erik Kello’s jazz concert in the Regency Grand Ballroom. The first movement was played with authority, and the group displayed excellent rhythmic precision on the mouthpiece percussion in the third movement. Overall, the performance exhibited tremendous enthusiasm, power, and excitement throughout. (SH)

McMurry University Trumpet Ensemble
David Amlung, director
Jake Lathrop, Karissa Means, Leighanna Meek, Kenny Mostert, Nathan Olsen, Parker Shields, Julian Weigand
McMurry University Trumpet Ensemble
Dürrenhorn Passage by Kevin McKee

The McMurry University Trumpet Ensemble, under the direction of David Amlung, performed a brilliant and nuanced version of Kevin McKee’s popular Dürrennhorn Passage. The group displayed excellent dynamic control and ensemble cohesion throughout this technically excellent and musically satisfying performance. (BH)

North Dakota State University Trumpet Ensemble
Jeremy Brekke, director
Isaac Hicks, Maddie Huffman, German Rojas, Anthony Sanders, Brody Terry, Elise Ware 
180602-0001-8North Dakota State University Trumpet Ensemble
Metallic Fury by Erik Morales

The North Dakota State University Trumpet Ensemble gave an exciting and energetic performance of Erik Morales’s Metallic Fury. The group easily handled the technical demands of the rapid outer sections and played with sensitivity during the muted middle portion of the work. The first trumpet was a highlight of the performance, and the rest of the ensemble responded with ample support and bravado. (BH)

Northern Arizona University Trumpet Ensemble
Stephen Dunn, director
Heaven Bataille, Holley Biringer, Willem Blakely, Phillip George, Darian Harmon, Micah Laird, Hunter Prather, Chandler Zimmerman, Cheyanne Read, Hank Stevens
180530-0001-9Northern Arizona University Trumpet Ensemble
Suspended in Flight by Stephen Dunn

The Northern Arizona University Trumpet Ensemble, under the direction of Stephen Dunn, performed an original composition by their director, entitled Suspended in Flight. The performance space served this piece well, allowing chords and musical passages to overlap and melt together throughout the performance. Suspended in Flight featured the ensemble’s technique and enjoyable sound and served as a great example of ensemble blend and intonation. (WK)

Oklahoma City University Trumpet Ensemble 
Michael Anderson, director
Josh Dolney, Nathan Hasterlik, Austin Hogue, Sam Key, Kristen Layne, Sierra Stan, Daniel Vittum
180601-0001-8Oklahoma City University Trumpet Ensemble
Cityscapes by Erik Morales

Under the direction of Michael Anderson, the trumpet ensemble from Oklahoma City University performed Erik Morales’s Cityscapes, which has become a staple in the modern trumpet ensemble repertoire. The ensemble showcased their tonal and musical blend throughout the exciting and facile performance, making this a wonderful introduction to Tromba Mundi’s concert. (WK)

Oklahoma State University—Black Trumpet Ensemble
Ryan Gardner, director
Clayton Chai, Caleb Dixon, Gabe Mejia, Brenden Noblitt, Christian Thorp, Zach Morris
180602-0001-7Oklahoma State University Black Trumpet Ensemble
Carmen Suite by Georges Bizet, arr. Ben Miles

A sextet from Oklahoma State University opened Saturday morning’s recital with an arrangement of popular themes from Bizet’s much-beloved opera, Carmen. The ensemble gave quite the communicative and musical performance, infusing charm and personality into an already lively piece of music. Performing with direction, expression, imagination, and poise, the young trumpeters created an engaging and intimate atmosphere for audience members to enjoy these familiar themes. (AD)

Oklahoma State University—Orange Trumpet Ensemble
Ryan Gardner, director
Matt Daigle, Caden Homes, Kevin Kamau, Noah Mennenga, Daniel Montalvo, Ian Mertes, Nick Nusser, Steffi Tetzloff
180529-0001Oklahoma State University—Orange Trumpet Ensemble
Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, arr. Ryan Gardner

The Oklahoma State University Orange Trumpet Ensemble performed Ryan Gardner’s masterful arrangement of highlights from Igor Stravinsky’s ballet The Rite of Spring. Playing from memory without a conductor, the eight trumpeters performed with passion and precision. Gardner’s arrangement, scored for trumpets in B-flat and C, as well as flugelhorn and piccolo trumpet, captured the essence of the full orchestral version with remarkable flair. (EK)

Portland State University Trumpet Ensemble 
David W. Bamonte and Steven C. Conrow, directors
Katie Craighead, Erick Escobaar, Danny Fineman, Evan MacWilliams, Jeremy Morrison, Dean Oaks, Bailey Paugh, Alex Schmidt, Collin Stegner
180630-0001-4Portland State University Trumpet Ensemble
* Convergence by Sean O’Loughin
Cocktail by Jerome Naulais
Los Angeles-based composer Sean O’Loughin’s Convergence showcased the ensemble’s brilliant sound and flawless balance throughout all parts. This work was specifically commissioned for the PSU Trumpet Ensemble’s ITG performance. Next, a smaller quintet from the ensemble presented Jerome Naulais’s Cocktail. The three-movement work showcased the individual players with effective short solos interspersed through the ensemble with quick flourishes in the final movement. (LE)

Stephen F. Austin State University—Empyrean Trumpet Ensemble
Jacob Walburn, director
Arjang Abrarpour, Daniel Casso, Max Mucino, Adiel Najera, Bethany Terral, Travis Wattigney
180531-0001-22Stephen F. Austin University Empyrean Trumpet Ensemble
Overture from Ruslan and Ludmilla by Mikhail Glinka, arr. Erik Morales

The Empyrean Trumpet Ensemble from Stephen F. Austin State University performed an exciting rendition of Mikhail Glinka’s Overture from Ruslan and Ludmilla, arranged by Erik Morales. The group played the entire arrangement from memory, matching shared lyrical lines and trading difficult technical passages between piccolo trumpets, B-flat trumpets, and flugelhorns. The ensemble’s expressive performance wowed the audience, who gave the group several rounds of applause. (MY)

Tarleton State University Trumpet Ensemble
Brian Walker, director
Matt Edwards, David Flores, Tember Lowe, Danny Norton, Akira Okamoto, Jenna Parrish, Kenny Reid, Audrey Smith, Taylor Welch, Tim Wilson
180531-0001-7Tarleton State University Trumpet Ensemble
Infinite Ascent
 by Erik Morales

The Tarleton State University Trumpet Ensemble, under the direction of Brian Walker, played an impressive rendition of Erik Morales’s Infinite Ascent. The ensemble deftly navigated the numerous flourishes for which Morales’s writing is known while maintaining a sense of ensemble continuity. The attention to dynamic detail helped carry the performance and serve as an elevating opener for the New Works Recital. (KM)

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Trumpet Ensemble
Mary Thornton, director
Clayton Capello, Madison Gotcher, Dustin Hernandez, Joe Holland, James Tomerlin, Juan Vargas, III

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Trumpet Ensemble
An Olcott Overture! by Eric Ewazen
Cityscapes by Erik Morales

The TAMUCC Trumpet Ensemble set a festive tone for the Spanish Brass concert with a fine performance of An Olcott Overture! by Eric Ewazen and Cityscapes by Erik Morales. Their performance of the Ewazen was marked by bracing rhythms and dramatic phrasing, while the Morales showcased sensitive lyrical phrasing, a warm sound, and secure technique. (EK)

Texas A&M University-Kingsville Trumpet Ensemble
Kyle Millsap, director
Christian Chavez, Carolina De La Rosa, Jesus Espinoza, Ramon Garcia, Isaac Garza, Kat Garza, Javier Salinas, Seth Saucedo, Lance Woody, Ariana Gomez
180530-0001-14Texas A&M University-Kingsville Trumpet Ensemble
“Le Chocolat” from The Nutcracker by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, arr. Kyle Millsap
Divertimento in Blue by Erik Morales

The Texas A&M University-Kingsville Trumpet Ensemble displayed a high level of musical maturity with their combination of improvised solos and balanced ensemble playing. The group presented an entertaining performance while providing an excellent introduction for the program that followed. (JBr)

Texas Christian University Trumpet Ensemble
Jesse Rajabi, director
Sebastian Alvarez, Andrea Aviles, Luis Pulido, Alex Dumas, Johnathan Hunda, Trey Isenberg, Katie Kelly, Zack Lewis, Joseph McGee, Ethan Moreno, Issac Ortiz, Pedro Peraza
180601-0001-2Texas Christian University Trumpet Ensemble
Pasodoble by Gerald Gable

A pasodoble is a Spanish dance imitating a bullfight, and this piece effectively depicts that exciting scene with idiomatic gestures and flourishes. The energy ebbs and flows throughout with contrast in textures and colors (including flugelhorns and mutes). The TCU Trumpet Ensemble produced a rich tone, especially in the forte sections, and displayed great poise in performing for such a large audience. (AK)

Texas Tech University—Studio 105
Andrew Stetson, director
Samuel Acosta, Jessica Calvit, Shania Cordoba, Jacob Diewald, Pierce Ellison, Mylon Johnson, Will Miller, Nate Moe, Austin Spencer, Marc Sutton
180530-0001-18Texas Tech Studio 105
“Jupiter” from The Planets by Gustav Holst, arr. Andrew Stetson
The Texas Tech University “Studio 105” Trumpet Ensemble, directed by Andrew Stetson, performed Stetson’s arrangement of “Jupiter” from The Planets. The ten-member ensemble played with great enthusiasm the arrangement that featured instrumentation from piccolo trumpet to flugelhorn and effectively utilized an array of mutes. (KE)

Texas Tech University Trumpet Ensemble
Andrew J. Stetson and Robert Luther, directors
Brock Alsaffar, Aaron Amaya, Jonathan Fortson, Clark Preston, Rachel Perkins, Nicholas Tharp, Blake Wells
180601-0001-11Texas Tech University Trumpet Ensemble
Quickening by Robert Luther
Opening with running sixteenth notes, Robert Luther’s Quickening quickly adds a second texture: angular eighth notes with a melody superimposed. Eventually, this develops to several chorale and other sections. Following are several sections, including one with Latin inspiration, both in the accompanimental rhythms and occasional sizzling melodic lines. The Texas Tech University Trumpet Ensemble delivered a superb and very memorable performance of this excellent new work. (LE)

Timber Creek High School Trumpet Septet
Danny Brock, director
Austin Bell, Brendan Chucci, Brendan Lorenz, Tanner Price, Gage Reynolds, Nathan Smith, Jacob Thomas
180531-0001-20Timber Creek High School Trumpet Septet
Seven Tapas by David Gillingham

The Timber Creek Trumpet Septet’s prelude performance was a perfect introduction to the ITG Affiliate Chapters Recital. The ensemble’s playing was exceptional as they executed David Gillingham’s work, Seven Tapas, with an exciting musical energy and a strong, full sound while showing off impressive technical abilities. (SW)

Triumvirate Brass Trio
Vernon Richter, trumpet; Megan DeRubeis, horn; Amanda Kana, trombone
180531-0001Triumvirate Brass Trio
A Philharmonic Fanfare by Eric Ewazen

The Triumverate Brass Trio performed A Philharmonic Fanfare by Eric Ewazen, a work that featured all three players on flowing fanfare figures. The piece gave each of the players ample opportunity to show off their flexibility and musicality in juxtaposition with syncopated figures, and the trio did not disappoint, navigating these phrases with great ease while exhibiting expert balance and musical subtlety. (AJ)

University of British Columbia Trumpet Ensemble
Larry Knopp, director
Shira Agam, Erica Binder, Matheus Moraes, Dasa Silhova, Willy Wang
University of British Columbia Trumpet Ensemble
Suo Gan: A Welsh Lullaby, arr. Josh Sung
Overture to William Tell by Rossini, arr. David Marlatt

The University of British Columbia Trumpet Ensemble performed two pieces for their prelude. They played Josh Sung’s beautiful arrangement of Suo Gan with two flugelhorns and three trumpets in a beautiful, warm blend. Rossini’s Overture to William Tell began with the traditional English horn solo performed on a rotary-valve flugelhorn before a brilliant C trumpet sounded the familiar call, leading to the galloping finale. The group played with excellent intonation and fine phrasing throughout. (EK)

University of Idaho Trumpet Ensemble
Sean Butterfield, director
Darrick Blood, Jared Crider, Jose Cruz, Mitch Gibbs, Garrett Romero, Zach Sherlock, Keanna Stokes
180531-0001-4University of Idaho Trumpet Ensemble
Canterbury Flourish by Gordon Jacob
Three Miniatures by Clint Needham

The University of Idaho Trumpet Ensemble, directed by Sean Butterfield, performed two selections before Philippe Litzler’s recital. The first, Gordon Jacob’s Canterbury Flourish, highlighted the group’s ensemble sound. The second piece, Clint Needham’s Three Miniatures, had the audience delighted as they performed in a multitude of styles, including a lovely and sonorous second movement. (BC)

University of Iowa Trumpet Ensemble
Amy Schendel, director
Joseph Arch, Evan Fowler, Kenken Gorder, Joey Schnoebelen, Kamal Talukder
180601-0001-29University of Iowa Trumpet Ensemble
Idea Number Twenty-Four by Terry Everson

Everson’s fun piece is based on Paganini’s Caprice in A Minor, Op. 1, No. 24. The University of Iowa Trumpet Ensemble handled the variety of styles and challenges extremely well with beautiful blend and impressive technique. There was strong piccolo playing and confident solos throughout the ensemble. (AK)

University of Lethbridge Trumpet Ensemble
Josh Davies, director
Sam Broadbent, Jill Burke, Laura Ferguson, Max Gunther, Eileen Humble, Claire McMahon, Rex Mulder, Aaron Ryan
180602-0001-13University of Lethbridge Trumpet Ensemble
Poet and Peasant Overture by Franz von Suppé

The U of L Trumpet Ensemble, directed by Josh Davies, performed an arrangement of Poet and Peasant Overture by Franz von Suppé before the M5 Mexican Brass Quintet Youth Day Concert. Their arrangement delighted the audience with its flashy style and rich harmonic colors. The audience was also treated to several wonderfully performed solos that highlighted the many contrasting styles of the piece. (BC)

University of Redlands Trumpet Ensemble
David L. Scott, director
Jorge Araujo-Felix, Jake Ferntheil, Matthew Ingelson, Andrew Priester, Francisco Razo, Katrina Smith
180530-0001-11University of Redlands Trumpet Ensemble
Dürrenhorn Passage by Kevin McKee

The University of Redlands Trumpet Ensemble presented a thrilling rendition of Kevin McKee’s Dürrenhorn Passage. From the opening statement to the final notes, the ensemble presented fantastic control and versatility. A true highlight came from the ensemble’s ability to show extreme musicality and variations of timbre throughout the work. The ensemble showed great maturity of expression in the passing of musical lines and dramatic timbral changes throughout the piece. Their command of the stage provided a wonderful highlight and introduction to the event. (JPS)

University of Texas at El Paso—UTEP Blue
Nancy Taylor, director
Annie Aguilar, Robert Campos, Arturo Olivo, Alejandro Perez, Gabby Tellez, Caleb Tullius
180601-0001-28UTEP Blue
Suite for Six Trumpets by Dennis L. Horton

The ensemble began this piece with a rousing antiphonal fanfare that they executed with vigor and precision. The piece offered many varied dynamic shadings and textures, of which the performers took advantage superbly. A rousing climax ended the outstanding and energized performance. (NM)

University of Texas at El Paso—UTEP Prophets
Nancy Taylor, director
Jacob Aun, Elijah Ontiveros, Juan Pablo Palacios, Isaac Ponce, Paul Reid
180530-0001-4UTEP Prophets
Voice of the Prophets by Eddie Lewis

The five members of the UTEP Prophets from the University of Texas at El Paso gave an energetic and compelling performance of Eddie Lewis’s Voice of the Prophets. Featuring propulsive rhythmic ostinatos, punctuated by percussive accents, the work also showcased the group’s tight ensemble playing and warm sound. (EK)

Utah State University Trumpet Ensemble
Max Matzen, director
Amy Abel, Jose Ayala, Bridger Bush, Sam Dickson, Stephanie England, Marci Johnson
180530-0001-13Utah State University Trumpet Ensemble
Music for Five Trumpets by Wesley Nance

The Utah State University Trumpet Ensemble presented an energetic performance of the first and third movements of Wesley Nance’s Music for Five Trumpets in the Rio Grande Ballroom. The ensemble presented an excellent display of musicality and balance throughout the work. The performance was well received by the audience and served as the perfect introduction to the program that followed. (JBr)

West Texas A&M University Trumpet Ensemble
William Takacs, director
Alex Collins, Marcos Garcia, Austin Nakamoto, Aaron Olson, Jacob Sexton, Joaquin Sotelo, Ashton Young
180531-0001-12West Texas A&M University Trumpet Ensemble
The Wild Atlantic Way by Benjamin Brooks

The West Texas A&M University Trumpet Ensemble gave an impressive performance of The Wild Atlantic Way by Benjamin Brooks. Trumpeters handled the many changes of timbre and style confidently, from beautiful, lyrical flugelhorn lines to ringing piccolo trumpet figures. Tight rhythmic motives were tossed back and forth with precision, contrasting nicely with melodic sections and showcasing well the skills of the ensemble. (LAH)


Click here for more prelude ensemble photos


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